Thursday, July 31, 2014

Things That Can Wake You Up Better Than Coffee

The apple offers major benefits to the human body, but fruits in general are big, too. So, why apples you may ask? The benefits of an apple are amazing, since it contains fructose which is a natural sugar that can wake you up naturally and help keep you going. It also moves slowly through the body, reaching areas where you may not wake up immediately, but once an apple in your system it'll wake you up and keep you awake.

Coming from the cocoa bean, chocolate at least starts as something all natural. It's a fatty food, so it's not something you want to indulge in frequently. But if no coffee is present, a simple chocolate bar does have enough within to make you wake up. The moment you put chocolate in your body, it can give close to immediate comfort, but also drive up energy. It won't last for a very long time, but if you get moving once you eat or drink something with chocolate involved, chances are you're waking up pretty well.

Seems a bit obvious, I know. But, light has a way of, shall we say, annoying people in the morning. Whether you wake up to the bright sun or the light being cut on in your room, it may be a torturous way to get up, but it's guaranteed to get you up and keep you up.

Another one that may seem obvious, but is not used as often with Americans, is exercise. It's not as if you have to do a lot, but things like running in the morning, even if it's just around the block, not only can keep you healthy and fit, but it will wake your body up very well. Stretching can be a big help, or if you're feeling foggy, heading to the gym can get you going. But most of the time, you can get going right at home with no need for a gym membership. Really, it's all about the blood. When you get up and going you start to get the blood flowing throughout the entire body.

Some of you may be asking, "How can water wake me up?" Well, drinking one glass of water before bedtime will make you have to, well, get up to use the restroom. So, that's one way of course. But there are several other ways. The shower includes water, unless you live with Willy Wonka and have the best chocolate shower ever! However, what's most effective is being awakened by cold water being thrown on you by someone. That is a guarantee that you'll wake up. If we want to make it scientific, water has a lot of health benefits, too. Think about it, your body is made up mostly of water. You can last 3 weeks without any food but only 3 days without water, meaning it is important to the body daily. So, starting the day with a tall glass of water or bottle of water can really help the body.

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