Wednesday, July 23, 2014

At-Home Cellulite Solutions

Seaweed Treatments

Homemade seaweed masks and scrubs are an effective, inexpensive way to treat cellulite. A natural exfoliant, seaweed can help stimulate circulation and flush toxins, which helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Powdered seaweed is the perfect base for an at-home body scrub and can be mixed with clay, lime juice and honey to create a moisturizing spa-grade treatment. 

Cook with Tomato Paste

Tomato paste contains high doses of lycopene, more than what you would get by eating a fresh tomato. Studies have shown that this antioxidant may help reduce UV-induced sun damage, as well as help prevent collagen breakdown. By preserving collagen in your skin, you are keeping a healthy thick top layer of skin overlying your fat layer, which reduces the out-pouching of underlying fat cells, making cellulite less visible.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day will help you stay hydrated and help plump the skin, making it look less dimpled. Foods with higher water content can also improve skin hydration. Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly melons, cucumbers and leafy greens, are high in water content and low in calories which will aid in weigh control and, thus, fat stores. Try getting an Infuser Water Bottle, so you don't get bored of plain water, add fruits and stay Hydrated.

Relax with a Cup of Tea

Studies suggest that certain hormones, particularly insulin and cortisol (which rises with stress), change the way that fat cells function. Interestingly, a family of molecules called catechins, found in green and white teas, decrease fat cell insulin resistance. So when you are on edge, take five minutes to sit quietly and have a cup of tea.

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