Thursday, August 28, 2014

Benefits of Honey Water !

The sugar in honey is a natural sugar, which provides a healthy source of calories. Not only that, it can help to ward off any sugary sweet beverage cravings you may have.

Drinking a warm glass of water with honey first thing in the morning helps to improve your digestive system. The antiseptic benefits of honey help relieve the acidity in your stomach while increasing the production of intestinal mucus. By using raw, local honey you help to acclimate your body to the pollens of your area.

Move over coffee  – honey and warm water are the new dream team for boosting energy.  The benefit to your energy levels by staying hydrated has all but been shouted from a rooftop, hot water with honey can help reduce the soreness and irritation of a sore throat.


  1. Jazmin Martinez is a fake name lol!!! The real person behind this screen is James Simao who stole $12,000 from me. James Simao uses my money to buy these junk bottle from (china) for only $5/bottle and sell these bottle on amazon for $20. This is a riff off!!! These junk bottle are not worth it for $20!!! Please be careful with your money before you invest in these bottle or James Simao business. James Simao is reported to FBI about stealing lot of money from lot of investors. He should serve in Jail soon. James Simao stole $11,720.40 from me 4 month ago. He claims to have a large investment pool of funds but can never prove it. James P Simao moved to California from Hawaii since 2011. Then he moved to Mexico since september 2014 after he stole money from me. James Simao is an U.S citizen however he doesn’t pay tax for U.S. He has stolen money from U.S citizens and brings his cash to Mexico to hide after every scam. How shamed when James Simao took advantage of a young single mom.

  2. James Simao is a big liar! He has an anger and control issues. He got mad very easily if things doesn't move by his way. I got nervous when I deal with him. James Simao is a dishonest business man. He has no problem making up whatever story he needs to fit the situation. He will tell you everything that you want to hear to earn the business from you but nothing that he said is the true! James bragged to me that he graduated from University of Hawaii as an attorney but I found out from his friends that James was only graduated from High School, no college degree!

    James Simao also falsely advertised himself as an ultra wealthy, mansion living business man who is looking for investors . Unfortunately, I found out that James Simao didn’t really own a home and he always used other investor’s money to keep off the grid!

    On August, 14th, 2014 James Simao asked me for $5,000 upfront with promise that he would train me how to run a success Amazon business. Unfortunately, James Simao didn’t provide me the services that he promised me as the contract (I still have the contract with me). On September, 11th, 2014, James Simao again asked me $6,720.25 upfront to pay for the goods for my amazon business . James Simao promised me that he would provide me a receipt from the distributor and I should receive the goods in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, James Simao didn’t give me a receipt from the distributor as I expected. I only received an invoice from James Simao, not the receipt from the distributor! . It has been 3 months since I gave James $6,720.25 to buy the goods , I haven’t received any products from James Simao yet.
    I found out that James Simao used my money to spend on his business expenses. I tried to contact James Simao so many times to ask for my money back but he never returned my phone call. I felt very angry and depressed when James stole $11,720.40 from me and disappeared without saying anything to me! James Simao has also stolen lots of money from other investors. I have raised my son by myself since he was 9 months old…I have worked very hard to survive…. I withdraw money from credit card to invest in James business with hope that I can make an extra income for my son’s college savings. Unfortunately, James Simao stole all my money. I feel very stupid and angry of myself. I shouldn’t trust James Simao from the beginning. When I complained about James Simao business operation on internet blog, Facebook and asked for my money back, I was contacted by phone by someone with a male voice who threaten to kill my family if I am continuing to complain about James Simao….I am afraid for my unsafety now...

    If you ever think of investing in his BS, be prepared to say goodbye to your money forever or be prepared to have to fight to get it back. This man will serve time in jail for what he is doing! 
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