Tuesday, July 15, 2014

6 Nutrition Myths You Should Know ..

1.  Granola is good for you

Oats are good for you, and the same goes for oatmeal. But granola takes those good-for-you hunks of flattened oat, blankets them in sugar, and bakes them in oil to give them crunch.

2.  Foods labeled “natural” are healthier

Case in point: 7UP boasts that it’s made with “100% Natural Flavors” when, in fact, the soda is sweetened with a decidedly un-natural dose of high fructose corn syrup. “Corn” is natural, but “high fructose corn syrup” is produced using a centrifuge and a series of chemical reactions. Other "natural" abusers include Natural Cheetos, which are made with maltodextrin and disodium phosphate, and “natural advantage” Post Raisin Bran, which bathes its raisins in both sugar and corn syrup. The worst part is, you're likely paying a premium price for common junk food.

3.  Egg yolks raise your cholesterol

Egg yolks contain dietary cholesterol; this much is true. But research has proven that dietary cholesterol has almost nothing to do with serum cholesterol, the stuff in your blood. Wake Forest University researchers reviewed more than 30 egg studies and found no link between egg consumption and heart disease

4.  Chocolate is bad for you

Cocoa is a plant-based food replete with flavonoids that increase blood flow and release feel-good endorphins. Plus, it contains a healthy kind of saturated fat called stearic acid, which research has shown can increase your good HDL cholesterol.  A bar with 60% cocoa is good, but the more cocoa it contains, the greater the health effects.  


5.  Organic is always better

Often, but not in every case. Organic produce is almost nutritionally identical to its conventional counterpart. The issue is pesticide exposure—pesticides have been linked to an increased risk of obesity in some studies. In general, fruits and vegetables with impermeable skins are safe to buy conventional, while produce like celery, peaches, apples, and blueberries are better purchased organic.

6.  Meat is bad for you

Pork, beef, and lamb are among the world’s best sources of complete protein, and a Danish study found that dieting with 25 percent of calories from protein can help you lose twice as much weight as dieting with 12 percent protein.

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- MaritzaValdez


  1. James Simao is a scammer…….I was promised a sweet relaxful retirement by being in business with him for $10,000...and you know what happened? He betrayed me and stole all of my money before taking off to Mexico…. The police tried to find him but Mexico was out of the country and he could not be found. Don't invest money with him otherwise you're going to end up living in an apartment like me...From beach house to apartment…


  2. James Simao is a scammer…….I was promised a sweet relaxful retirement by being in business with him for $10,000...and you know what happened? He betrayed me and stole all of my money before taking off to Mexico…. The police tried to find him but Mexico was out of the country and he could not be found. Don't invest money with him otherwise you're going to end up living in an apartment like me...From beach house to apartment…


  3. James Simao stole $11,720.40 from me 4 month ago. He claims to have a large investment pool of funds but can never prove it. James P Simao moved to California from Hawaii since 2011. Then he moved to Mexico since september 2014 after he stole money from me. James Simao is an U.S citizen however he doesn’t pay tax for U.S. He has stolen money from U.S citizens and brings his cash to Mexico to hide after every scam. How shamed when James Simao took advantage of a young single mom.
    On August, 14th, 2014 James Simao asked me for $5,000 upfront with promise that he would train me how to run a success Amazon business. Unfortunately, James Simao didn’t provide me the services that he promised me as the contract (I still have the contract with me). On September, 11th, 2014, James Simao again asked me $6,720.25 upfront to pay for the goods for my amazon business . James Simao promised me that he would provide me a receipt from the distributor and I should receive the goods in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, James Simao didn’t give me a receipt from the distributor as I expected. I only received an invoice from James Simao, not the receipt from the distributor! . It has been 3 months since I gave James $6,720.25 to buy the goods , I haven’t received any products from James Simao yet.
    I found out that James Simao used my money to spend on his business expenses. I tried to contact James Simao so many times to ask for my money back but he never returned my phone call. I felt very angry and depressed when James stole $11,720.40 from me and disappeared without saying anything to me! James Simao has also stolen lots of money from other investors. I have raised my son by myself since he was 9 months old…I have worked very hard to survive…. I withdraw money from credit card to invest in James business with hope that I can make an extra income for my son’s college savings. Unfortunately, James Simao stole all my money. I feel very stupid and angry of myself. I shouldn’t trust James Simao from the beginning. When I complained about James Simao business operation James Simao is a big liar! He has an anger and control issues. He got mad very easily if things doesn't move by his way. I got nervous when I deal with him. James Simao is a dishonest business man. He has no problem making up whatever story he needs to fit the situation. He will tell you everything that you want to hear to earn the business from you but nothing that he said is the true! James bragged to me that he graduated from University of Hawaii as an attorney but I found out from his friends that James was only graduated from High School, no college degree!

    James Simao also falsely advertised himself as an ultra wealthy, mansion living business man who is looking for investors . Unfortunately, I found out that James Simao didn’t really own a home and he always used other investor’s money to keep off the grid!
    If you ever think of investing in his BS, be prepared to say goodbye to your money forever or be prepared to have to fight to get it back. This man will serve time in jail for what he is doing! 

    1. I agree. This horrible man should serve in prison for fraud charge!

  4. James Simao, a violent seller on Amazon who is operating Hi-drate H2o, has stolen almost $100,000 from all his investors. Hi-drate H2o uses this money to buy the junk infuser water bottle from alibaba.com in China for $4/bottle and he is selling these junk infuser water bottle on Amazon for $20/ bottle. This junk water bottle is not worth it for $20. The cap is leaking and the bottle is scratched after couple times of using. Mr. Simao is using Amazon business to scam lot of investors to make the high profits returned for his business. I am one of his victims. Mr. Simao scammed me $15,000 by falsely promised me that he would show me how to build a success business on Amazon and help me make $50,000 profits per month on Amazon.
    Unfortunately, Mr. Simao is a dishonest business man! He disappeared from california as soon as he stole $15,000 from me. I tried to contact Mr. Simao so many times to ask for my money back but I couldn’t reach him. I was very upset and disappointed! but I felt ashamed to report to the police because I don’t want the whole world knew how stupid I am…
    On November, 2014, I found out that Mr. James Simao moved to Mexico to hide after he stole all money from the investors in US. Then, he uses his investors’ money to build his company in Mexico that is located beside Caliente Casino in Tijuana, Mexico. Mr. Simao only lives in Mexico for scamming purposes and he still uses Las Vegas mailing address for his Amazon business. Hi-drate H2o business address is 3837 Bay Lake Trail, Suite 115 - North Las Vega - NV. 89030. Mr. Simao is renting the mail address in Las Vegas for less tax purpose but he never lives in Las Vegas!

    I am taking lot of my time to write this review because I want to stop Mr. James Simao’s fraud! I don’t want more innocent investors lost money like I did! James Simao is a scammer! He is creating a very bad image for Amazon business by using Amazon for fraudulent purposes!
    I am disappointed when Amazon does business with this kind of horrible seller! I think that Hi-drate H2o doesn’t deserve to do business with Amazon. Amazon should take this incident seriously to prevent the bigger problem for Amazon business in the future.

  5. Amazon does not stand behind their product. I purchased 3 infuser plastic water bottles from hi-drate H2o ( the 3rd seller party Rhino Direct ) from amazon couple months ago because of the good review about this product. Unfortunately, I am very disappointed it!!! Amazon has are fake positive reviews!!! am very surprised that this bottle is made from China!!! I want to buy the good product from USA, not China! This junk plastic bottle has no protective seal and came with scratches on the side. The flip part of the bottle couldn’t stay tightly closed. My carpet got soaked after my daughter lie the bottle on the floor!!! This junk plastic is very expensive, it is not worth it for $20.99! My daughter bought other good quality infuse water bottles that are made in USA for $9.99. I don’t want to waste my money in this cheap plastic bottle from China. So, I decided to return these junk plastic bottles to the seller hi-drate H2o in Amazon. It has been for 3 months. I haven’t got my money back. I called Amazon customer service and complained about this issues. Unfortunately, Amazon refused to help me instead of telling me to contact the seller. I email the seller but there is no response! Cuz I lost $90 for these junk plastic bottles for nothing! Today, I posted about my negative experience with the product and a seller. Unfortunately, Amazon deleted my review in 4 minutes. Then, I post again and amazon deleted my review again! My daughter tried to test amazon by posting her positive review about the product. We are very surprised that the review was posted in 2 minutes!
    Amazon does not care about their customer service. I would never do business with Amazon again!!!

  6. Buyer Beware: James Simao scams me for $83,000. He told me that my money was lent to a creditworthy, collateralized borrower. I was promised that I would get a great returns 20% interest! Unfortunately, I received the fake monthly reports stating my assets are producing great return! There are another 4 investors who lost money like me. But we know by now that many of reports are fake!!!
    James Simao was charged Monday with 22 felony counts of grand theft and forgery for allegedly stealing more than $2 million from 18 investors and others over a 3 year period in which he allegedly maintained a lavish lifestyle.
    James Simao has been under investigation since January and may face additional charges as the result of a federal probe. His investment company has been closed and forced into involuntary bankruptcy.
