Balance Body Fluids
Essential to ensure that your body maintains its balance of fluids. 60% of the body is water and these fluids are necessary for maintaining body temperature, transporting nutrients, creating saliva, circulation, absorption and digestion. Whenever you are thirsty, you should always listen to your body and have something to drink.
Control Calories
Water itself won’t help you lose weight but when you choose to drink water instead of another beverage, it will help you cut caloric intake and therefore increasing weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you should always choose water or another drink without calories. It is also a good idea to try eating foods that are rich in water because they usually look bigger which means you need to chew them more. When you chew more, your body absorbs the food more slowly and as a result you will feel fuller. That’s why selecting water-rich foods such as beans, oatmeal, broth-based soups, fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight.
Energize Muscles
Water also helps energize our muscles. If our cells don’t have enough electrolytes and fluids they will shrivel and become fatigued, which can lead to decreased performance.
Maintain Normal Bowel Movement
Water is also crucial to normal bowel movements. That is because if you don’t have enough fluid in your body, your colon will take some water out of the stools and that will lead to constipation.
Make Your Skin Glow
If you are dehydrated, your skin will become wrinkled and dry. When you get plenty of water, however, your skin will help prevent you from losing excess amounts of fluid.
Improve Kidney Function
The fluids in your body work to transport waste products between cells. The kidneys are responsible for cleansing the body of any toxins such as blood urea nitrogen, which is water-soluble. But in order for the kidneys to work properly, we need to be properly hydrated. If you have enough fluids in your body, your urine will be odor-free and color-free but if you are dehydrated it will become more concentrated so your kidneys can store more water.
Detoxify Your Body
Drinking water is the most effective way to detoxify your body.
Regulate Body Temperature
Water is also the body’s way of keeping cool.
Lubricate Joints
Water is a huge component in the fluid that is responsible for cushioning and lubricating your joints. Although other factors are involved, being mildly dehydrated can increase your risk of getting muscle cramps which is why it is so important to stay hydrated while exercising.
Deliver Nutrients to the Body
Our bodies receive oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream and because blood is 92% water, staying hydrated is crucial.
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